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URICSE-2021: Universitas Riau International Conference on Science and Environment 2021

Andriki Saputra10 January 20212min890

Dear Prof, Dr, Mr, Ms,
We cordially invite you to attend  and share your research result in the Universitas Riau International Conference on Science and Environment 2021 (URICSE-2021) that will be held in Pekanbaru, Indonesia, 11 Sept 2021.

We proudly inform you that the previous URICSE-2019 and URICSE-2020 have been successfully conducted and its Proceedings have been published by IOP Publishing five weeks after the conference date. (Proceeding URICSE-2019; Proceedings URICSE-2020:
In this URICSE-2021, again, all the accepted papers will be published by the IOP Conference Series which is indexed in Scopus.

The scope of URICSE-2021 will be focused on the related science research including pure and applied science, science education, and all related environmental research
For more information, please visit the URICSE-2021 website:
Thank you

Best Regard,
Prof. Nur Islami, Ph.D
The URICSE-2021 Conference Chair
Scopus-Indexed Conference

Tentang Kami

LPPM Universitas Riau adalah suatu lembaga dilingkungan Universitas Riau yang mengelola bidang penelitian/riset, pengabdian, publikasi, kukerta, kerjasama bidang penelitian/riset dan pengabdian serta luaranya.

(0761) 588156

Lokasi Kami

Gedung LPPM Universitas Riau
Kampus Bina Widya, Panam
Jl. HR Soebrantas Km. 12,5 Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia – 28293

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